Tartarus: The Underworld Is Tartaria Under The Dome
What if I told you that Tartaria wasn't just the biggest country in history, it is the whole
Since it's human nature to believe in stories, we are given fake back-stories, narratives that are necessary to create our self identity. Digging deeper we find Tartaria, hidden 1000 years, Mud Flood civilization resets and fake Wars.
What if I told you that Tartaria wasn't just the biggest country in history, it is the whole
An old 1958 Encyclopedia Americana clearly states that there is a dome at Antarctica and that the Tartarian Empire existed.
Alpha males, like kings and rulers, are usually portrayed as sadistic, obsessively controlling and abusive. But is this really true?
Jupiter Ascending reveals how humans are farmed for the harvest to create Nectar that acts as an age reversal for
The 1871 great Chicago fire was nothing else but a Direct Energy Weapon DEW attack by UFOs and an old
An old book showing a drawing of the 1871 Chicago DEW fire by a UFO with levitation technology. Egyptian light
In this transvestigation I'll prove that Hitler was a gay transgender man with a fake mustache.
How did the mud flood happen? Could it be it's a terrarium effect? What about the weird sounds
The movie Alita Battle Angel not only provides an insight into past life memories and reincarnation but into what happened
What if I told you that the eradication of the Tart-Aryan empire was and is a racial and ethnic cleansing
Watch me and Jeffrey Daugherty talk about the fake US History, based on fake photography evidence and photoshop fails, focusing
I watched a video from Conspiracy R Us that sparked my interest to make more research into . In the movie