
"Barnabas ... You will go down in history as a YouTube Legend for exposing the lies and supplying the Truth. Long live the King Aka Barnabas Nagy. Leicester UK"
— Scott Johnstone

For years I felt like a looser. I felt like I have no time to accomplish all that I want to achieve with my talents. However, upon closer examination, what does it truly mean not having enough time? Granted, I may not have been able to accomplish everything in my 20s, as I have already reached the age of 39 based on my biological birthdate of 1985. Yet, my real birthdate is 2018 when I left Christianity and was born again (pun intended). Coming out of the religious mind prison that had encompassed over three decades of my life was a true transformational epiphany! Therefore, in essence, I am merely 6 years old—a change of perception that brings a sense of youthfulness and vitality. Notably, people often remark that I appear to be in my 30s or even in my 20s! Reversing aging is possible by quitting mind prisons, eating healthy and following your heart.

In the span of just 6 years, I accomplished more than I had in the preceding 33:

Time and again, starting from scratch both financially and emotionally, I have surmounted the improbable, consistently surpassing expectations and reconstructing my life with unwavering resilience and an ironclad resolve.

I'm Barna, an artist, singer-songwriter, public speaker, author, mentor, hustler and survivor.

"A master's degree in bullshitiology"
— Lele Gross

"Barnabas - I don't know what I'd do without you. The work you do is essential - you are a fundamental player in the future freedom of Mankind. I am grateful beyond words."
— Paul Owen

"Every time I start watching a video of yours I hear my intuition bell ringing loud saying... this is a truth"
— Edmondo Guidi

"Barnabas The Great!!! The Man We Need To Investigate!!!! Oh yeah, never ever question science or you'll be called a freaking moron or worse! Science is shite!!!!! This is not my world!!!! This is NO000000T my world!!!!! Barnabas for President!!!"
— Dave Keehan

"Barnabas Nagy honestly, your channel is the best ever on youtube. Beat up all others"
— Moshe Finkelstein

"B you are the best! Opened my mind to so much years ago. I still rewatch your past work."
— Bari Duncan

"The reason I follow you is because you are totally honest, no bs, no trying to make everybody happy. You speak YOUR truth, which if most people were honest with themselves, is their truth too. Keep up the awesome work."
— Bari Duncan

"You are such a gem! Hilarious and brilliant. You make opening our minds fun instead of depressing. You make me laugh and learn which is the best!"
— Elizabeth Brehm

"Getting a notification of your video is like getting a christmas present"
— One that can see

"this is not my world. you always blow me away with your research and the connections you make. keep up the good work barnabas! the warden must be shitting his pants with every video you make"
— Will Towell

"I absolutely love your research you are so not biased towards any ideal it is the most amazing refreshing awesome thing ever!!! Anyways just know I absolutely love your channel and actually love you for it anyways thank you so much for being so thoroughly honest"
— Faythe Fury

"Simply adore your research... keep up the good work also you're one of the least pretentious YouTubers l've ever been in contact with...Be Blessed"
— Faythe Fury

"Amazing. Much respect for this knowledge. Your the best 😄 I look up to you 😄"
— Ryan Lewis

"YOU ARE A BEAST NAGY... you get gold medal"
— Cady Lac

"This may be the last sane channel on YouTube. The Nagy Oasis"
— Less Sizemore

"Barnabas, Time to do what Codename V did in Vandetta, Become B for Barnabas and take the fight to the parasites and fuck them in the necks for the bullshit and suffering that they have and are continuing to impose on us."
— Nepamirsk uz ka mes kovojome Lietuvi!

"You are the best P.I. (public investigator) on yt Barnabas cheers mate... Barnabas (p.i) you have creds after your name bro"
— We have been set up BIGTIME lol

"Barnabas....always finding the truth and exposing it. Excellent video as always. You're one hell of an investigative reporter. My number ONE channel! Keep em coming Barnabas!"
— Flushed Away

"Barnabas The Great! Best channel ever!!! Great video as always and keep em coming!!!"
— Flushed Away

"Barnabas investigates and uncovers like no other! Barnabas is the man! Love this channel!"
— Flushed Away

"Barnabas The Great! The Man We Need To Investigate!!! I really wish I knew everything they're hiding from us and why. Keep up the great work Barnabas! Always looking forward to your next video. Best channel ever! This is not my world... this is not my world...unning through my head!!!"
— Flushed Away

"Barnabas The Great!! The Man We Need To Investigate!!! Someday I want to have a few beers with you man!!! Great video and again you are right on target as always. Whenever I watch your videos I think of Nikola Tesla for some reason. Maybe you're related to him or you're him reincarnated. You are the smartest man on the internet!!!! Rock on Barnabas!!! This is not my world!!!! This is not my world!!! This is NOT my woooooorld!!!!!"
— Furry Beaver

"Somehow you have already been a leader... A leader of opinion. Been following you before the beer virus. Your words do echo. Greetings from Mexico. Keep it up. Your reach is great do not underestimate it for a second"
— Francisco Garcia

"Some of US are listening... Barnabas I admire you... Many thanks for awakening MANY of us. Back in Mexico after 25 years in Los Ángeles... Thank you, thanx a LOT. DO NOT GIVE UP !"
— Francisco Garcia

"Hey my friend once payday comes im getting a mudflood shirt with a fake history hat there badass u make my day sharing your knowledge your content is the best if life was real u be a top history teacher to me ur music is positive ur attitude is positive and sharing the truth...nw they hear you we awoken stand behind you in full support this knowledge u find and explanations is priceless im in az phx usa you should be paid for teaching n finding this out top dollar we must know the true past to transverse and change our current path much blessing frank"
— Frankie Garcia

"All thanks to you my friend and teacher, onward to victory to awake the sleeping with realness and truth! And thank you for connecting the dots to everthing its all connected in one way or another"
— Frankie Garcia

"Barnabas Nagy Thank you... your channel is one of the best, and should be ranked at the top."
— Lewi McPherson

"I really wish you have like 200 mln viewers or more, your channel is the best."
— Michal youcandive

"You are my brain opener & my hero. Take care my friend!"
— Racel Carmelotes

"Wow my friend... Your insights and information never cease to amaze me. I thank you for the time you take to create and share these videos with us. Your are a great asset in this fucked up bullshit world and your labors are greatly appreciated. Thank you Barnabas."
— I'm Cheech

"They know most are asleep and brain-dead and will go along with their BS. And it will not the brain-dead ones that will initiate the REVOLUTION, BUT more from the ones that are awake and on the know. Thank you Barnaby Nagy. Your work has awaken many and will continue to awaken more. I will see you on the other side."
— sunshinebloo

Your gut/gott/god seems to be doing just fine because your intuition and insight are quite admirable; on the level of an admiral. In Latin, lingua = tongue, ergo, lingua-witch = language..and of course we all know about spelling and witches' spells. Another excellent video. Very well done.
— Tom McDonough

"Hey Barnabas, amazing research and videos. You guys are on to something! Keep it it, let me know if there is anything I can do to help!"
— Dan R.

"I love your channel. Absolutely great work. Much appreciated. Cheers."
— Arkham Asylum

"Prayers from High Springs Florida! Absolutely amazing just unbelievable."
— Murli Watkins

"Dude I love your videos you say the truth and you don't sugar coat anything we need more people like you"
— Kevin Diver

"Thank you Barnabas Nagy. Please continue your work; we need you."
— lostman33

"YOU ARE ALREADY A LEADER BARNABY! You have led many people in to enlightenment. Thank you for being you. Keep in touch with us. We do care about you, and you are peoples minds. Sending you love and strength. Peace my friend."
— Get Rich Live Life

"I have learnt SO much from you! Thank you for your dedication to mankind - yeah, it's as big as that!"
— Elle Morgan

"You have a great ability to connect the lines and dots or Jots and Tittles if you will."
— Seeking Truth Only

"Just found ya... Great job my man....i love how u say they lie about everything except where we live... Water never lies ...THANK you for your time what you do is so important... Boston mass"
— MrGillymac

"You do what I wish I could, keep it up and don't let the anyone bring you down doing it... You are shaking the world up with thoughts because you share them"
— Zero Control

"You are really smart i am a big fan of you:) many of us believe in everything you have so far told... from denmark"
— Mikkel Kaae

"A lot of respectable academics watch your videos. That should be answer enough."
— Humblysoftlygently Pax Profunda

"People like you are gold dust. Don't stop."
— Rio Angel

"The first time I watched you I was just amazed at how your thoughts and my thoughts were identical. There are a lot of us and you speak for how we are all thinking. Even if you have to cut back, I hope you never stop making content."
— Xaviar Thunders

"I'm a Huge Fan of your work. Your videos are Awesome."
— Casey Koplin

"Hello from Australia! My favourite YouTube channel for sure! Could listen to you all day... love your accent, admire your courage for speaking out, but most important... is the truths (and the lies!) that you research and share with us. Will continue to support you and hope others are smart enough to do the same"
— Suez KC

"Legend!! So glad to hear you are keeping your channel going! Your channel is one of my all time favourites. Keep it up brother. You are doing exceptional work and I very much enjoy what you do as your thought processes are very similar to mine. Peace brother!"
— Anthony Raslan

"Never stop u make the best videos on youtube"
— Der Bozz

— Ray M.

"Your channel is one of the very best! Your research is great, and your accent is even better! You should keep delivering the truth! Thanks."
— Nahoj

"Love the way you poke holes in their shitty narrative. It's no laughing matter but I'm happy you can make light of it. "You've got to be kidding" and "give me a break" are so well timed in your presentations, you could seriously be a stand up comic. Many blessings and may the creator shine some extra light on to you. Peace."
— C. Vasilis-LaBine

"I love your no nonsense delivery of your content. You are one of the best on this subject."
— Rich Pingle

"You are a one in a kind, A truly intelligent man. Thank you for the work you do."
— Nepamirsk uz ka mes kovojome Lietuvi!

"As a seasoned youtuber user and youtuber myself, I must admit your channel is one of the best things out there."
— Atif Rana

"You are one of the best man explaining and awakening the world thank you"
— Liliana Montenegro

"Mind blown again. Another great presentation. The word is spreading. The world is waking up Good job Barnabas"
— Sharon Holloway

"You really are one of the best, Nagy. The sound of your voice, the content of your podcasts, and especially your "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" is absolutely brilliant."
— Randa Jaza

"Don't let the bastards get you down Barnabas! You are the king mate!"
— Kain Tuffin

— live free

"Nagy's a rare truther, he's got the balls to provide the best quality truth content. This is key info bro, nothing beats having the truth told from the horses mouth. Fookin epic shit once again Nagy ya pimpin nailed it."
— MB

"Fook yeah Nagy Nagy Nagy!!! BRAH you're sticking it to the man right up the arse real fookin rough like!!!"
— MB

"BRILLIANT NAGY!!' This is key info proof of deception & ch's like this really do make a difference I've learnt so much in the last few months. The truth is right here folks, well done...big a up from me"
— MB

"After about 4 years of waking up, opening my mind, getting rid of cognitive dissonance and seeing how the world is, and is becoming, I think your videos are the best dot connecting ones I have come across so far. Mind blowing stuff from the Tartars to flat earth and to present day values. Keep up your amazing work, Mr Nagy."
— Berdiddyberdisber Baboint

"Barnabas..your excellent work is some of the best on the internet. Highly enjoyable and thought provoking. Keep up the great work... Johnny/PHL Thanks."
— Leroy Kincaid

"Awesome work Barnabas. You are becoming my favourite truther. I just figured out Mark Sergeant was a shill last week when I re-watched his video how they are hiding God. Give me a break Mark I fell for his channel earlier on in my search and now know he is a paid shill. We have to spread the truth our selves. They are panicking because when enough people wake up and stop buying there products we"
— Tim Godard

"So this Mark guy is a pedophile and wants the world to know... Yep seems about right .... What kind of world do we live in when to make something seem legit we attach some child pornography to it, cuz thats where we are now, trying to normalize underage sex, i think the subliminal implications of this setup is a lot deeper then discrediting flat-earthers…let investigate that ... Great work btw just found your channel and I am addicted! Thank you so much for your eye opening documentaries"
— Весса Bean

"I love this guy...very genuine. You're the real deal!"
— Adrian Schiavello

"Barnabas I must say that your videos are very good. I don't usually comment and I usually don't even like most of the videos that are on YouTube anyways... so when I tell you that your videos are very good I hope that you take it to heart. Your investigations, your ideas, and your conclusions are are very much like my own. I also think that your work is very important and I wanna thank you for putting it out there. Your voice is very easy to listen to and your humor is very entertaining.
You've said that religion is not your cup of tea and boy oh boy am I with you on that... I know -Know - that I AM... we all are, the great -I AM. We are~ Check out Neville Goddard ( in his real voice) He summed it all up for me. Thankyou Barnie... Truly"
— Merry Mary

"thank you Barnabas so much for sharing and you will definitely be included in anything interesting and truth related, you are a top truther in my opinion! Keep up the great detective work and get us out of this prison!"
— TRUTH Project

"I appreciate you Mr. Barnabas... LOVE the information in your videos l . your sense of humor and use of profanity make them enjoyable to watch whereas other truthers with great info are typically a snooze fest...also learn a lot from the comments of your subscribers so I appreciate them too. I dont comment on your videos bc I'm lost in the rabbit hole and dont usually have anything useful to add to the conversations here. If you ever speak on something in the future that I feel knowledgable in then I will chime in... Best to you and yours man 100 pleeeease keep up the good work"
— Jamie Stewart

"Best channel on youtubbbb"
— E OnTheHike

"You always add very logical alternative narratives, possible explanations that other chanels just touch on. You really get me thinking outside the square, or hexagon, dome.... Cheers bro."
— Blue Night Grinner

"Great Video channel this needs to be taught in school to children early -the father needs to speak truth to child /son/daughter save child SS$ long run"
— Douglas Grosch

"Thanks Barnabas! Your research is top notch!"
— Clever Enigma

"Mudfood, Flat earth, MGTOW, Fake history, Civilization reset, Free energ......ALL IN ONE PLACE! KEEP IT UP MAN! You are one of the very few."
— DyNaMiTaR

"What I like about this guy is that he doesn't believe a mutafucking thing. I admire that. Weather he is right or wrong."
— Mike Metropolis

"BARNABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! I cant get enough of your videos!"
— Simeon Lazaris

"You will go down/written down in history now BARNABAS NAGY. What a fitting name you have. You have the name of an explorer and adventurer. You have gone places noone else has. Lol. You DESERVE all the good fame you have EARNED brother. Kudos!"
— Simeon Lazaris

"Yep Definately THE BEST.PRESENTER OF ANY pootube Topics That Ive Ever Looked Listened Laughed n Learned from More Than Any website..Fast Efficient Truth No B.S. Direct to the point. Appreciate And Think its great that you could drop the Bible and be honest about it...so glad i dont have to work all that shit out thanks.!"
— Rob Orlov

"Hope you never stop investigating. Keep your good work.you are truther nr1."
— odd gunnar lileby

"The door to truth is closing. Thank you Barnabas for all the sheep you woke up. You are loved truth seeker thanks again."
— Brenda Callan