Is Pork Unhealthy? Kosher Clean Animals
What does kosher mean and who is behind it? Is it unhealthy to eat pork is not? As an ex-Judaist,
What does kosher mean and who is behind it? Is it unhealthy to eat pork is not? As an ex-Judaist,
In this episode with Jason, I investigate the similarities of the Bible to Egyptian mythology, especially the book of the
What if I told you that all smart devices, including your mobile phone, tablet, and computer have conjuring portals in
Ever wondered how Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Anastasia Kvitko became so popular on Instagram? What if I told you these
Overpopulation is a hoax, a big fat lie to trap us into thinking we shouldn't make children. This
Truth Should Be Free Hoax: No Content is For FREE, Not Even About Truth
On my End of YouTube video people kept recommending me the Central Intelligence Agency YouTube channel and their video Intel
In this episode with Jason, we're diving deeper into Bible astrotheology, the Christian-Freemason connection, and Bible Mandela effects.
The new Madonna God Control music video is horrible musically but gives us a clear description of the actor based
The movie "They Live" is a truth in your face revelation by John Carpenter, who is by the
What if I told you that the eradication of the Tart-Aryan empire was and is a racial and ethnic cleansing
What if I told you that the eradication of the Tart-Aryan empire was and is a racial and ethnic cleansing