The Flat Earth Dome is a Prison, and Asylum ruled and controlled by and evil Warden, and assisted by good Diplomats. Join my as I talk to Angela Forman about her out of body experience and astral projection.

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Second Moon, UN Global Censorship of "Misinformation", COVID is 20,000 Years Old
Get ready for this weekend's asteroid, but don't worry, NASA labelled it as a second moon so it won't create armageddon (yet). The UN's meeting was all about how to censor truth out of social media and the internet so that the sheep can be further brainwashed.

THE GREAT COVID HOAX With Jeffrey Daugherty
Watch me and Jeffrey Daugherty AKA The Christian Whistleblower talk about my book THE GREAT COVID HOAX and topics such as as living in Mexico, 5G and more.

Prof. Ian Plimer: Climate Change Hoax
Watch Prof. Ian Plimer exposing the climate change hoax with definite certainty.