COVID Is 5G (3): Empty Streets Of Mud Flood & Now
What if the empty streets we see today due to the fake coronavirus 5G installation are the same we see
Technology that is supposed to enhance our lives with AI, brain chips, nano robot vaccines, 5G, WiFi, Smart Cities and the mark of the beast RFID chip creating the new generation of transhuman zombies that barely resemble humans.
What if the empty streets we see today due to the fake coronavirus 5G installation are the same we see
Flu vs Coronavirus statistics prove the deception, Coronavirus = Electricity poisoning, and how to protect yourself in the 5G virus madness
What if I told you that the covid-19 coronavirus is 5G? The pandemic dates and symptoms match 5G's
How is it that they didn't have to chop down trees for 4G and 3G and now they
Defibrillation seems to point to our hearts being electric systems. Are we robots going on batteries? Let's spell
I'm going to show you even more proof that the coronavirus is a hoax, including fake microscope images
What if I told you that the Earth is a huge battery where the north and south poles are the
I found some really interesting pictures depicting sound old Tartarian devices, used as weapons or radars in WW1 or WW2
Metal Gear Solid video game predicted the future about the AI, Social Media and revealed how the world works already
What if I told you that air travel by plane could be as fake as space travel? Ascension mini-series will
What if I told you that it's not just tech gadgets that are designed for planned obsolescence but
What if I told you that the Moon is an artificial LED light source that monitors our lives and triggers