Is Pork Unhealthy? Kosher Clean Animals
What does kosher mean and who is behind it? Is it unhealthy to eat pork is not? As an ex-Judaist,
Religion is a mind prison that was created to control your thoughts and actions. All religions are based on stories. Find the discrepancy in the story and the religion falls apart. Veganism, feminism and politics are also religions.
What does kosher mean and who is behind it? Is it unhealthy to eat pork is not? As an ex-Judaist,
In this episode with Jason, I investigate the similarities of the Bible to Egyptian mythology, especially the book of the
In this episode with Jason, we're diving deeper into Bible astrotheology, the Christian-Freemason connection, and Bible Mandela effects.
In this episode with Jason, we will uncover why we left Christianity, and why Jesus never fulfilled the requirements for
Let's investigate the lineage of Jesus as we discover he was indeed a bastard, not the son of
The Christian religion is nothing else than Sun Worship where the Fake Jesus is the Sun. Mary is a fertility
Isaiah 7:14 Prophecy Is Not About Jesus and I'll show you proof. The Bible is fake with
The North Pole is shown nowadays as just icy sea but that's not how cartographers knew it in
Christmas is such an artificial materialistic holiday, but it goes deeper than that. Research shows that the red clothing of
Just a brief update what has been going on with me and an update about me dropping the Bible.