COVID Crisis Actors: Fake News On Steroids
I mean really? Type in any number and add new cases. You'll get an article for that. Same
The world is a stage, all what you see on the TV is part of the Actor Based Reality. This is the reality that has been pulled on to your eyes to blind you from the truth that Morpheus talked about. All politicians, celebrities and public figures are actors.
I mean really? Type in any number and add new cases. You'll get an article for that. Same
Turns out, George Floyd was a porn star and probably still fucking girls for money while deadly sick with covid
Prince Charles, The IMF and the World Economic Forum announcing the "Great Reset". You no longer need an
The George Floyd false flag event is nothing else but crisis actors hired to spark a civil war, martial law,
Tom Hanks delivered a "heart-felt" speech to the "Chosen Ones" who are going to live "
These news will make you crack up: two Asians turned black and now COVID 19 can spread through farts. Welcome
Bill Gates says we need mass vaccination before amass gatherings can take place "after" the coronavirus plandemics! Event
What if I told you that the indigenous tribes in the jungle and the native Americans we see on videos
The Coronavirus hoax is trending in the mainstream media to cause fear, panic, and scare of germs. Yet the germ
I just got a lead, on Australian TV a banner on the news read "The reset is coming"
It looks like that the movies and commercials no longer just show analogies for the civilization reset but spell it
Word by word translation can get really out of control and be very funny. Here's a great example