Fake Old Photos 2: What if World War 1 Never Happened?
What if world war 1 never happened? What if all the ww1 pictures are fake?
Since it's human nature to believe in stories, we are given fake back-stories, narratives that are necessary to create our self identity. Digging deeper we find Tartaria, hidden 1000 years, Mud Flood civilization resets and fake Wars.
What if world war 1 never happened? What if all the ww1 pictures are fake?
Not only history is fake but old photos of history are fake and photoshop fails. I have proofs for the
The Great Brittish fake history! Mud flood evidence with windows below ground level, Tartarian architecture and human bones found in
Notre Dame fire update: proof that old beams don't catch fire easily and another church fire, this time
The Fake History of Australia rabbit hole goes even deeper: more mud flood proof, ancient megaliths, and aliens, shipwrecks, hidden
CCTV proof of the inside job and how they started the fire with DEW Direct Energy Weapon. Media reporting on
The Notre Dame Fire is an inside job to get rid of the great Tartarian art by burning. The centerpiece
Why do we have suture lines? It looks like the human skull was opened at some point, but who did
Ancient aliens with 6 fingers, or giants? Why 6 fingers and 6 toes? What are star forts? And what are
The California "Wildfires" were not wildfires but the result of direct energy weapon. The weapon simply pulverized and
Reset cities: Ashgabat Turkmenistan, Ordos China, Tianducheng China, Thames Town China, Masdar UAE, Kilamba Angola, Naypyidaw Myanmar all ghost cites
I could not find tombstones earlier than i1625 and that would consequently mean, it's not just 1000 years