The Truth About Vaccines 1: Germ Theory Hoax
In this video series, I'm going to show you the truth about vaccines and how they are designed
lllness is a sign of being out of balance with nature. There are only three ways you can fall ill: nutritional imbalance, physical imbalance and emotional imbalance. The war on your health is real and very profound, that's one of the ways they enslave us.
In this video series, I'm going to show you the truth about vaccines and how they are designed
I mean really? Type in any number and add new cases. You'll get an article for that. Same
It's great to see medical professionals, like doctors and nurses, speak up against the COVID 19 (coronavirus) bullshit
Voluntary contact tracing is mandatory else you can get fined or imprisoned. The movie "The 5th Wave" reveals
Tom Hanks delivered a "heart-felt" speech to the "Chosen Ones" who are going to live "
Three pillars to survive and thrive in this crisis: financial freedom through crypto, self sufficiency & survival skills and community!
These news will make you crack up: two Asians turned black and now COVID 19 can spread through farts. Welcome
Pension & savings are becoming useless due to COVID 19. Why not become a smart crisis investor and profit from
A new patent with the number 666 harvest your body energy to mine cryptocurrency. Soros organization says coronavirus is to
Bill Gates says we need mass vaccination before amass gatherings can take place "after" the coronavirus plandemics! Event
COVID-19 is no longer classified as HCID, yet the police can still remove you from home. Flu vs Coronavirus stats