COVID is 5G (2): Electricity Poison & Radiation Danger
Flu vs Coronavirus statistics prove the deception, Coronavirus = Electricity poisoning, and how to protect yourself in the 5G virus madness
lllness is a sign of being out of balance with nature. There are only three ways you can fall ill: nutritional imbalance, physical imbalance and emotional imbalance. The war on your health is real and very profound, that's one of the ways they enslave us.
Flu vs Coronavirus statistics prove the deception, Coronavirus = Electricity poisoning, and how to protect yourself in the 5G virus madness
What if I told you that the covid-19 coronavirus is 5G? The pandemic dates and symptoms match 5G's
How is it that they didn't have to chop down trees for 4G and 3G and now they
Defibrillation seems to point to our hearts being electric systems. Are we robots going on batteries? Let's spell
Nigel is reporting from mainland china on the NOVEL coronavirus scam, 33 symbology and predictive programming.
I'm going to show you even more proof that the coronavirus is a hoax, including fake microscope images
The Coronavirus hoax is trending in the mainstream media to cause fear, panic, and scare of germs. Yet the germ
Organ harvest from organ donors and from "lost" children is the most evil anti-aging program of the parasites
What if I told you that sperm footages and pictures are fake and it's nothing else than tadpoles
The Greta Thunberg phenomenon is a puppet show to sell you on the global warming agenda, climate change hoax, veganism,
This is crazy but what if I told you that the DNA is actually Biblical Jacob's ladder that
The DNA strand is nothing else but CGI, it's a visualization, in other words, it's not