COVID-19 Passover: STAY AT HOME Said Moses!
What if I told you that the coronavirus plandemic is a global COVert rfID Passover for the orange juice before
lllness is a sign of being out of balance with nature. There are only three ways you can fall ill: nutritional imbalance, physical imbalance and emotional imbalance. The war on your health is real and very profound, that's one of the ways they enslave us.
What if I told you that the coronavirus plandemic is a global COVert rfID Passover for the orange juice before
In this audio recording, you'll hear an ex Vodafone executive talk about coronavirus to cover up 5G, IOT,
What if I told you that the covid-19 coronavirus is 5G? The pandemic dates and symptoms match 5G's
This video is banned on YouTube, I received the video file from a subscriber and tried to upload it on
Stay home, keep social distancing - what can be worse? WHO says they're coming to your home and
Is the current coronavirus martial law a live exercise or a real situation? Non-essential strollers are already labeled as terrorists!
All Of Me parody based on John Legend All Of Me
What if the empty streets we see today due to the fake coronavirus 5G installation are the same we see
The community and support of like-minded people are of utmost importance in times of crisis like the coronavirus martial law
The covid-19 coronavirus unites religions, just as the new world order masters wanted it all along.
This is my bug-out bag for surviving outdoors when forced vaccination comes into effect due to coronavirus martial law.
The military is organized across the world to prepare for full-blown martial law! The Georgia Guidestones 40th anniversary is now!