End of Youtube & Free Speech: Internet Censorship
This is the end of YouTube, Free Speech, Free Content and the Internet by censorship on steroids. My video on
This is the end of YouTube, Free Speech, Free Content and the Internet by censorship on steroids. My video on
In this episode, I'm going to show you some proof of the misconduct and brutality of the Oklahoma
In this episode, I'm going to show you some proof of the misconduct and brutality of the Oklahoma
In this episode with Jason, we will uncover why we left Christianity, and why Jesus never fulfilled the requirements for
Join me as I'm interviewed by Ryan James, founder of Flat Earthers United and United 4 Truth facebook
Another episode with Angela Forman about her out of body travel and astral projection to see the Flat Earth Asylum
Watch me and Jeffrey Daugherty talk about the fake US History, based on fake photography evidence and photoshop fails, focusing
I watched a video from Conspiracy R Us that sparked my interest to make more research into . In the movie
Have you noticed that time is faster? It's so quick we almost don't notice the weeks
What if world war 1 never happened? What if all the ww1 pictures are fake?
Not only history is fake but old photos of history are fake and photoshop fails. I have proofs for the