COVID Vaccine Digital ID, Bluetooth Transhumans To Be Controlled by 5G
The COVID vaccine contains Graphene dioxide and other nano particles, which are harmful to health and can potentially turn vaccinated individuals into walking Bluetooth devices. There are videos circulating that show vaccinated people being detected by mobile phones as Bluetooth devices.

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Health Dangers of Air Pollution, Chemtrails, Fake Fogs, Mosquito Spraying, Pesticides
Air pollution, be it chemtrails, wild fires, vehicle emissions, manufacturing, power plants, mosquito spraying, agricultural spraying or construction wreaks havoc on our health and wellbeing causing difficulty breathing, lung infections, lung cancer, heart disease, strokes and more.

Second Moon, UN Global Censorship of "Misinformation", COVID is 20,000 Years Old
Get ready for this weekend's asteroid, but don't worry, NASA labelled it as a second moon so it won't create armageddon (yet). The UN's meeting was all about how to censor truth out of social media and the internet so that the sheep can be further brainwashed.

Health Dangers of Body Care & Household Cleaning Products: Cancer, Infertility, Allergy
Most of the commercial household and body care products are full of toxic chemicals, toxic gases, pesticides and VOCs that cause cancer, insomnia, skin issues, respiratory illnesses and many other health issues.