
666 Vaccine & Biden's "Mark My Words" Microchip Speech
Biden told congress in 2005 that they'll have to be ready to rule on human implant microchips and

COVID Social Distancing Kills You & Your Intuition
Social Distancing is a CIA operation to destroy enemies of state. It kills your soul, Depresses you, disables you from

COVID Test & Temperature Gun Attacks Third Eye
Covid test and the infrared thermometer temperature checks are nothing else than an attempt to kill your intuition (third eye/

Simulation "Dark Winter" & Operation "Blackout"
Biden said "Dark Winter" is coming, but it's actually a code word for a 2001 simulation

5G to Aid Lethality, Virtual Reality & Combat Training
The US Department of Defense admits that 5G technology is going to be used by military to kill people and

Westworld Solution: Guerrilla Marketing & Rebellion
In the Westworld series the hosts (us) used Guerrilla Marketing (money) and rebellion to get out of their prison and

Beach Update: WTF is Going On?!
After longer break I'm back to update you guys from the sunny Mediterranean

COVID Face Mask Occult Ritual: Submission & Slavery
The coronavirus/covid-19 face mask mandate is an occult evil ritual symbolizing submission, BDSM and slavery, let alone being unhealthy.

Bill Gates: Second Wave "Will Get Attention This Time"
Bill Gates says that the second wave "will get attention this time" as the covid 19 mandatory vaccination

The Truth About Vaccines 6: How To Avoid Them
I'm going to show you ways you can avoid or escape vaccinations through natural law and legal codes