The Acapulco Otis Category 5 Hurricane was a direct HAARP attack on me. I was in the eye of the hurricane and they knew I was there. I survived. But I lost my house and business.

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Second Moon, UN Global Censorship of "Misinformation", COVID is 20,000 Years Old
Get ready for this weekend's asteroid, but don't worry, NASA labelled it as a second moon so it won't create armageddon (yet). The UN's meeting was all about how to censor truth out of social media and the internet so that the sheep can be further brainwashed.

Kevin Mottus: 5G Is a Military Weapon DANGER!
Watch Kevin Mottus exposing the street military weapon that is decoyed as 5G.

Bluetruth COVID Vaccine Bluetooth Documentary
Watch Mexican film maker COMUSAV revealing how COVID-19 vaccinated individuals are found with bluetooth nano devices in their blood.